Hello!! I am going to give you a small update on what we have been up to on Wednesday. We have been very busy these past nights and haven't had the time to get on the computer.
After a short swim in the ocean (for the most adventurous ones) and a delicious breakfast prepared by our faithful cooks, we went to
Howard Cooke Primary School for devotions.

Since we had arrived a bit early, we've all had the chance to play and talk with some children as were waiting to be able to enter the school. On my part, I've had the chance to chat and sing with a couple girls in grade 4. I also
danced a bit with them and made them spin, some boys joined as well. To me it had just been an amazing opportunity to get closer to those kids and show them how us,
missionaries, we're no different from them loving to play and have a good time together. What was particularly encouraging to me is that while I was giving my testimony that morning during devotion, I could see the kids I had spoke and danced with listening more carefully than most of the others because they knew me a bit. I stressed out how God's undying love is so

great that He promises in His Word to never leave us nor forsake which give us hope because we are never alone. I was moved because things had gone so well. What was also great is that the setting of the school was way more adapted to our needs than Catherine's Hall because all the children were in the shade watching us in the middle of the indoor yard singing, acting and speaking to them. They also interacted very well answering questions while Rachel was telling them a story which gave us all the sense they were getting something out of this and understanding what we were trying to communicate to them.
Afterwards, we went back to the church to do more construction. That day, we decided to
separate the team in two so that a part of us would continue to bring sand, stones and
wherever needed by the workers and the part would paint the kitchen in a nice bright yellow. We didn't have time to finish everything by lunch time so we came back to
Aunti Dalley's to eat and then went back to the church to continue working! We had a great time, the kitchen was done and we started taking off a layer of
cement on the top of it so that the workers could put a new one (when we go to the second floor, we arrive directly on the roof of the kitchen and then can enter the building). Phil was working hard and sweating A LOT! He even said he had his own ecosystem going
haha! But we were so bad and not that efficient at taking the
cement off that the workers finished up that job for us in no time. Just shows us how even though we are the people coming here to help them, they are the ones that know how it all works and that are helping us to help them. At that moment, we got
caught by the rain and it was HUGE! It rained really hard for a long time,
Shimako, one of the children from the valley that had come to play was scared and was stressed because she wasn't allowed to be out while it is raining. When the rained calmed down a bit, she's been able to leave, but it had been a while. Most of the team was playing soccer and it had rained so hard that Mike had even drove the bus in the church for us, I thought it was great, the situation ended up being rather funny. There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky when the sun came out.
At Auntie
Dalley's, we changed and had diner and all, and were getting ready to go to the Bible Study at
WestGate Hill's, but because of the rain, we were told that nobody would show up. It was a disappointment since we were so eager to meet our fellow brothers and sisters from
WestGate Hill's. But God had been able to use that for His glory anyway.

Everybody took 45 minutes alone in silence and we all had a small quiet time. I think to stop for a minute and just talk with God about everything
happening was relieving because when we live 17 people all together, it's harder to find some time alone to speak with our Lord and Savior since we are always being interrupted by others or shouts all around the rooms. After our quiet time, we went to the beach to discuss our day and what God was teaching us. It was a deep and emotional time. Everyone shared experiences they had and was sharing how troubled their heart had been these past few days by what we were witnessing. We've been able to glorify God just like the women and men from the infirmary. I think that is something none of us will ever forget, how people in situations we can't even imagine praise God all day and love Him so
Wednesday had been a more quiet day during which we had mostly worked at the church, and had had some quality time with our God. And that is something that God has taught me, how He is with us through the entire process and by our side when we think we don't have the
strength to go on. I guess before arriving to Jamaica, I was under the misleading impression that God was going to dump us here and say "See you in 10 days! Work hard!", but that is absolutely not what God does and I am so thankful for it.
Just to keep your
curiosity going, I'll let you know that Thursday is a very exciting day... for various reasons. During the morning swim, I got stung by jelly fish poison in the face around the left eye. Praise God I was wearing goggles! And that by the end of the day, I had no scars nor anything! God has been good, I was scared and in pain all morning, and drained of all energy, but the Lord was faithful and blessed me greatly.