Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Book Your Calendars for April 18th

Hey everyone, this is Jon here, encouraging you all to come out to our fundraiser.

It will be on Saturday, April 18th from 6pm - 9pm at Westview Bible Church in Pierrefonds.
(16789 boulevard de Pierrefonds)

Please come out to support us by attending.
Tickets are $20 each.
Included you will have a wonderful spaghetti dinner, a chance to meet the team and hear more about what we will be doing, a relaxing evening of entertainment... and to top it off we will be having a silent auction too! You will have the opportunity to look over items valued at $50 or more, and to buy them, as a way to SUPPORT the team. Some items up for auction will include alouette tickets, signed hockey sticks from habs players, action sport physio massage package, hair salon gift certificate, and more.
Most importantly, just by attending you are encouraging our team of youth and young adults who are going to serve and make a difference in a place that can use our help and love in action!

Note: You do not have to participate in the auction to attend this fundraiser dinner but you will have the opportunity to see what is up for bidding if you come! If you or your company would like to donate an item valued at $50 or more to this cause, please call or email Phil Hainaut.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Welcome to our Jamaica blog!

This is the spot where we will keep you updated on our trip to Jamaica, through various team members bloggin! We want you to be a part of our journey, so we want to keep you in the loop. The support of our friends and family caring about us and being there for us, is so huge. So thank you for stopping by to check out our blog.

Our team of 17 youth and young adults has been decided and announced. FITTY- aka Phil did a fabulous job presenting to our church an overview of what we will be doing. Jacinthe designed and painted some great visuals at the back of the sanctuary to show our progress meter as we count down the days.

We have had quite a few team meetings already. Phil and Rachel have been to Jamaica, and done this before, so in our meetings we have had the chance to get a little cultural training for our 10 day trip there. We have been briefed on the kinds of projects we will be involved in as well. They include working with the community, visiting orphanages, woman's prison and construction.

Rachel has made some great flyers to explain how to get involved and the fun process of fundraising begins. If you didn't recieve a flyer yet, consider this your e-version for now, because you will find out the scoop on this blog!